Leland Clipperton

Sunday, August 29, 2010

I Get To!

Many of us have had life changing moments that are occasssionly recalled in positive ways as well as negative ways... Here is one...

I was having one of those bad mornings a number of years ago... thinking about bills to pay, dishes to do, clients to see and I HAD to take our son to school... generally telling myself that I was soooo burdened and victimized in my life...

All the things I HAD TO DO!!!!!

Coincidently my brother called in the midst of the building turmoil in my mind... "Hi, how's it goin?" he said. Well, I let into him about ALL the "problems" and "burdens" I was experiencing, including having to drive my son to school...

He responded... "Oh, you mean you GET to take him to school!"
My life change in that moment... I do get to, I don't HAVE TO... I choose to...

No matter what excuses or justifications I use to explain or experience my self-victimization, I am choosing in that moment. Not because I neccessarily want to but because I am asleep in my own dream of struggle and conflict and am busy gathering evidence to make it all seem real and justified. Why would I choose to think that doing something I actually enjoyed and would certainly miss when I couldn't do it, would be a burden? (It was certainly bitter-sweet when he got his first car and was driving himself to school! like teaching your child to ty his own shoes, knowing that you won't be able to after he learns...)

I get to choose. What a novel idea and perspective to remember and what a seemingly easy thing to forget.

Until later,
Leland Clipperton, H.S.C.

(905) 510-9117
(705) 443-8290

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