Leland Clipperton

Monday, March 8, 2010

What's on YOUR mind?????

It's incredible to me that our beliefs, interpretations and assumptions can be sooooo varied!
When we go to a "professional" they will naturally have the outlook, perceptions and recommendations based upon their beliefs and training. We will sometimes hang on to what we believe to be true to our graves... even when alternatives may be obvious.

Think about how we treat our own bodies. The obvious questions are... what do we put in our mouths that is contributing to our health? What do we do to exercise our bodies? Do we practice appropriate sleep habits? How do we manage the stress in our lives?

Even when we have the "answers" and we know what we should be doing... what do we do???? Typically justify the immediated "negative" behaviour, allowing ourselves to have that ice cream, drink that beer, not go for that walk, etc. The discipline of looking after our own bodies seems to be more than we can handle... Can you imagine having the level of discipline it seems to take to "change our mind" or at least consider an alternative?

What we have on our mind is an acummulation of information we have collected over the years, patterned in certain specific ways that contribute to our self-definition. These "thoughts" are projected into our individual worlds in a way that further assist in defining us.

Now... here's the twist. Prior to now, you probably have believed that your image IS WHO YOU ARE and that you do not have any say or control over that impression...

We do, in fact have control over that image... we can change our thoughts...

However, if you understad how challenging it can be to do the obvious for our bodies, you can probably also understand why the process of simply changing your mind can seem impossible, improbable and unlikely to occur.

We all need help doing this. It seems that loving reminders, and supportive accountability is a neccessity for most people.

Begin by outlining what is predominately on your mind. Your thoughts are indicators that provide patterns. It takes someone who has had appropriate training coupled with the innate skill to ask the right questions and provide the most effective diirection.

Until later...

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